These are my latest beaded bracelets (I'll post a better pic later). Two are missing, those are the ones I made my mom for Christmas.
Thank you Nikia Angel and Annette Shirley for teaching me that I still love beading after all these years. Follow Nikia at www.buythekit.com, http://buythekit.blogspot.com, www.nikskits.com, http://www.etsy.com/shop/nikia. For Annette www.theholeaffair.com. The first designs (turquoise/brown and silver/black) are Nikia's designs; the last three I learned from Annette.
This is how I am not going insane while being unemployed. Although it would be nice to have money to support my bead addiction.
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. I love your bracelets. It is so reward to hand craft pretty things. :)