Thursday, January 12, 2012

OMG where has the time gone

I realized that I haven't written anything for awhile. Apparently my brain shut down somewhere along the way.
Weight is still good. Managed to maintain a 60 pound weight loss for awhile. Now I'm starting on the downward path again. Nice to know that I was able to maintain the weight loss. Maintaining is the hardest part.

Still no job. I have applied but have not heard back. I'm sure they are getting loads and loads of people applying for the same jobs. I also think that companies are waiting to hire people. I have applied for mostly part time jobs and I figured anything is better than nothing right now. Although I did hear that people are taking any job they can with the hopes of moving up or making more money but apparently that is not the way it works. Supposedly the state is going to start testing again in February.

The thing that peeves me off is that some employers won't hire someone who does not have a job. What the hell is up with that? I guess they think unemployed people don't make good employees. I would think they would make great employees because they want to work and aren't just job jumping.

I did hear of a place that has a bunch of jobs, Williston, ND. Yes, sunny and warm (haha) North Dakota. Think Fargo. It is in the Northwest corner of the state. Ya think they get any snow (although right now they don't have snow). You'd be going to work on a snowmobile, ya. Apparently it is quite oil rich. Halliburten is one of the biggest employers. Sounds like the Alaska Pipeline (charging a hella lotta money for rent and food). There are really jobs there, ya. Go to and put in Williston, ND in the search line. Ya sure, there are some jobs. Okay, enough with the ya, but I couldn't resist.

Signed up for an online Italian language class. Just started and it is pretty cool. We'll see. I've taken Italian before but it didn't stick with me.

The weather has been awesome, although cold in the morning. I'm wondering when we are going to get rain and snow. The ski resorts have nada, well except for the resorts that are making their own snow. I'm betting that all of the boarders and skiers are quite bummed. Especially if they have already paid for their lift tickets.

Haven't been cooking any exciting meals lately, but I have made cookies. The guys where Mike works love them. It is like they have never had a homemade cookie. I made Snickerdoodles. Actually I made two different recipes of snickerdoodles just to see which one was better. One batch I added corn syrup (yes, I used the evil high fructose corn syrup, got to keep the guys on a sugar rush). The second batch I added a little bit of brown sugar in place of the corn syrup. They were quite different. The one with corn syrup was a more on the crispy side and was baked at 375. The one with brown sugar was fluffy with a softer texture, these were baked at 350. My taste tester, Ben, works with Mike and he chose the crunchy ones. He is a snickerdoodle lover.

Mike just bought me the The Pioneer Woman's first cookbook. Should be here today. I can't wait to see what meals I can whip up. You can look her up at She also has a cooking show on the Food Network, new one starts on Saturday. Guess there is a trip to the store in the near future.


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