Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Glad the weather is awesome. Able to get out and actually do yard work without having my muck boots on. The back lawn is so high that if you hid an Easter egg out there now you would never find it.

Mike and I have volunteered at an organic farm (Butte Mountain Organic Farm) a couple of times in the last few months. Did some transplanting, mulching, and rototilling. I left the rototilling to Mike since there were two big plots and I'm a sissy, I don't like using the big tiller. The farm also has chickens and sheep. Nothing better than having fresh eggs.

Weight has been good for a change, so far 50 pounds. I think working made me fat, too many snacks. Okay I'm in denial it wasn't just working that made me fat, it was eating way too much. I try to eat half portions. If we go out to eat I make sure I bring half of it home in a doggie bag or Mike and I share. We also try to eat fresh, healthy food. Although I have managed to eat a couple of Cadbury Eggs (best served cold). Trying to support Easter the best I can.

I do want to go back to work, but with only one car and living in a place that has very few jobs, it has been tough. I did look at some work at home options, but the one that has a decent reputation costs some sheckles. If you want your name to go out for better jobs you have to pay for the training. They do have different levels of training. Too bad they can't wait until you have actually worked awhile, then you can pay for the training.

Now to the wine, sorry for the rambling above, but I had to get it out of the way first.

We have found a new winery that we like in Amador County. It is Convergence ( For those of you that like white wine (I know there are not many of you) their Sauvignon Blanc is excellent. Great with seafood and spicy food,. It is the kind of white wine that is a tad on the tart side. Their reds are excellent. Estate Zin was our favorite for reds, Tempranillo is a close second. They also carry these evil chocolate covered blueberries and a Raspberry Zinfandel Chocolate Sauce that is great on ice cream.

Convergence is off the beaten path and not in the Shenandoah Valley, but that is okay it is closer to my house.

Enough for now.

Ciao Bella